Tuesday, November 11, 2008

What to blog about...

So...I feel the need to make an obligatory blog post and I have been thinking about it for several days. Unfortunately, since the election, I'm not sure what to blog about. I have spent so much time thinking about Barack Obama that I'm not sure what to think about now! I am happy (soooo happy) that he won! He is an amazing man and I expect amazing things from him.

That being said, what has been going on with us? Lewis was extremely sick last week with pneumonia. I don't think I realized how VERY sick he was until he improved. Now he is back to his happy, adorable, crazy self. We discovered this weekend that he can stand while holding onto a coffee table. I'm not ready for a walking baby :) !!! He's very strong and inquisitive. Henry is talking sooo much. He's prone to telling Daddy, "no, daddy, no." He's also starting to understand the idea of emotions. He talks about how some of the characters in his books are "happy" or "sad." It's very cool. Oh yeah, he poops on the potty now. How great is that...Other than these things, we still struggle with Lewis's sleeping patterns. He sleeps through the night some times, but not others. We think that we are getting into a pattern and then he does a week of getting up at 3:30 to eat...hopefully things will stabilize soon :).

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