McCain has two BIG problems. The first is of no fault of his own. He's a republican and so is his predecessor, George the Lesser. Unfortunately, GWB has been anything but a republican of late. The "rescuing" of private financial institutions by the federal government almost qualifies as socialism. The creation and ballooning of the homeland security department also contributes "big" government. The wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have stretched our military to the brink of collapse. Non-sanctioned wire tapping has become the norm. So, while McCain preaches a mantra of smaller, more responsible government, people can no longer believe in the cornerstones of the Republican party; no one can possibly think that McCain's administration could minimize governmental influence on the American people.
Second...SARAH PALIN. Unfortunately, McCain has no one to blame but himself for this choice. At first, I was intrigued by her. A powerful (even if she leads is governor of a low populace state), extremely attractive, family oriented woman. Maybe she could be like Hillary (who I love, but that will be the subject of another post). Then, as a few days went by, I started to feel sorry for her. McCain plucked this woman from almost anonymity to run for VICE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Until this point, she had been hanging out in Alaska, making some much needed (this is debatable) changes, having babies. How could we expect her to be "up on" matters of national security or, any issues important to the vast majority of americans. I was sure she was smart, just inexperienced and if just given enough time to bone up on the issues that she would be a great choice for VP. Then came the Charlie Gibson interview...ok, she's still learning...The Bush Doctrine? What is that? Then came the Katie Couric interview...whoa...Now I can no longer make excuses for her. Not only is she the most socially and religiously conservative person I have ever seen, she's an IDIOT! No amount of time will make her qualified to be VP. I am sure many americans are coming to this conclusion and given McCains age and previous bouts with cancer, NO ONE can possibly feel comfortable with SARAH PALIN one heartbeat away from the presidency.
OK...I'm done and I feel much better now :)
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